South Bend Metropolitan Region

South Bend Metropolitan Region

To develop solid information on nonprofits in the South Bend metropolitan area we included a special sample of nonprofits from the region in our 2002 survey of Indiana nonprofits along with similar samples from the eleven other communities profiled in the project and drawn from our comprehensive listing of Indiana nonprofits (see below). Most of our full survey reports include regional data in appendix tables. 

In-Depth Analysis of South Bend Region Nonprofits

We have prepared several in-depth reports and resources on South Bend region nonprofits based on a variety of data sources.

Comprehensive Profile of Nonprofits in the South Bend Metropolitan Region

Read our special survey report on South Bend Nonprofits: Scope and Dimensions (Nonprofit Survey Series, Community Report #4). This report is based on our survey of Indiana nonprofits completed in 2002 and compares the profile of South Bend nonprofits to those in the rest of the state and to nonprofits in other metropolitan regions.