Muncie Metropolitan Region

Muncie Metropolitan Region

To develop solid information on nonprofits in the Muncie metropolitan area we included a special sample of nonprofits from the region in our 2002 survey of Indiana nonprofits along with similar samples from the eleven other communities profiled in the project and drawn from our comprehensive listing of Indiana nonprofits (see below). Most of our full survey reports include regional data in appendix tables. We have also presented some Muncie area data in our separate series of reports on Indiana nonprofit employment.

In-Depth Analysis of Muncie Region Nonprofits

Comprehensive Profile of Nonprofits in the Muncie Metropolitan Region

Read our special survey report on Muncie Nonprofits: Scope and Dimensions (Nonprofit Survey Series, Community Report #3). This report is based on our survey of Indiana nonprofits completed in 2002 and compares the profile of Bloomington nonprofits to those in the rest of the state and to nonprofits in other metropolitan regions.

Nonprofit Employment in the Muncie Economic Region

Read our analysis of the Muncie Economic Region Nonprofit Employment: 2005 Report (Nonprofit Employment Report #2C). This report profiles trends in paid employment in the nonprofit sector in the Muncie economic region (Delaware County plus contiguous surrounding counties: Blackford, Jenry, Jay, Randolph, and Wayne counties) with comparisons to employment in the for-profit and government sectors for selected industries.

Supplementary demographic and economic data on the Muncie region is available from the Indiana Business Research Center. Click on the following communities for detailed information:

There is a growing list of websites with complementary county-level information. These include the following:

  • Indiana Business Research Center: county overviews of demographic and economic information for the state of Indiana (select the county of interest).
  • Community Economic Toolbox: maps with county level economic indicators available from Amy Glasmeier of MIT (select the state of Indiana and then the county of interest).
  • Census Scope: maps and charts with county demograpic data (select a particular type of data, click on the state of Indiana and then "change location" at the lower left corner to select the county of interest).